6 Affiliate Mistakes You're Probably Making
by Anik Singal
Everyday I see more and more affiliates making the same
mistakes. The worst part is that theyre just doing
what theyre taught by the so-called experts.
Its no shock to me that 95% of affiliates make no
money. The problem isnt that some people are just
better than others the problem is just
the way the 95% are running their business. Thats
why Im going to diagnose the 6 most common mistakes
AffiliateClassroom.com sees affiliates making everyday.
The 6 Mistakes you better learn to avoid like the plague:
1. Not Building For Search Engines:
If youre an affiliate and want to be successful
at it, you better learn to make search engines your best
friend. Search engines are a better source for long-term,
targeted and FREE traffic. Make sure to build your site
in clean HTML coding, provide good content and optimize
all your pages (not just the home page).
I firmly believe that all affiliates need to study search
engine optimization closely. If you want to learn how
to optimize websites quickly without spending years studying,
check out my push-button system at http://www.DominateSearchEngines.com
2. Not Enough Text Too Many Banners:
This might be the #1 problem I come across hundreds
of these sites almost daily. Think back to why YOURE
online to find information right? What good are
banners to you? Do banners provide you any good information?
Absolutely not.
Dont get me wrong, I dont discourage using
banners I just say to only use them after you have
content on your website. And stick to just 1 or 2 banners.
The goal here is to hook someone with good content, then
urge them to click the banner to learn more. Dont
just slop up a bunch of banners and expect to become a
super affiliate
3. Promoting Only One Product:
This was something I learned from Ken Envoy and it made
no sense to me until I tried it. Lets use an example
to illustrate: Lets say youre looking for
a car and you ask someone Hey, which one should
I buy? Would you rather have the person show you
3, give you the positives and negatives and then suggest
a car or just shove one of them down your throat and refuse
to talk about anything else?
I think the answer is clear you much rather have
someone RECOMMEND something. So, do the same on your websites
let your consumer choose what link they click on
(your conversions will go through the roof).
4. Not Giving Away FREE Products:
Another mistake I see done on almost 98% of the websites
I visit they have absolutely no viral marketing
build into their system. If you want to hook someone and
build loyalty, put some of your best information into
a small PDF give it away for free and watch your
sales and traffic multiply. NOTE: This is a more long-term
strategy so be patient
5. Hard-Selling:
If you know anything about affiliate marketing, then youve
heard of PRE-SELL well its a
shocker that most people never use it. PRE-SELL is when
you warm up to your visitor with some good content and
information and then slowly recommend them
to buy something.
I also never thought this would work until I tried it.
Hard-selling is what your merchant should be doing, you,
however, should avoid it at all costs.
6. Too Much Going On
This mistake is a bit related to the Too many banners
mistake. I cant even begin to tell you how many
times I have WANTED to buy something but just couldnt
find the right link to do it.
Some affiliate websites have a million things going on
the reader gets so confused that they hit the back
button and poof, never come back. Keep your
pages targeted and clean go for ONE goal
to get the click over to the merchant(s) youre promoting.
Golden Rule: The more you show them, the more confused
they get.
I highly suggest reading those 6 again they are
very important to master if you want to become a super
affiliate one day. Even I am going back to my old projects
and still fixing my mistakes theyre all over
the place. But, the second I fix them, I see an enormous
difference, you will too.
Copyright 2025 Anik Singal
About The Author
Anik Singal is a 21 year old successful entrepreneur online.
If you want to learn more about exactly how to become
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