Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
by Rosalind Gardner
Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliate
sites, I had no need for a personal assistant.
The sites were all in place, and my affiliated merchants
handled everything related to orders.
Last week, one of my clients mentioned that he was moving
AWAY from selling his own products to promoting more affiliate
programs just for the simplicity and freedom.
Yup, he definitely 'gets' it.
Although there are many, many benefits to promoting affiliate
programs with your own home-based Internet business, here
are my top 10 reasons to become an affiliate marketer.
1. No Product Development Costs - The cost to develop
and produce a new product is expensive! But you needn't
worry about that as an affiliate.
2. Low Cost Set-up - Got a desk, Internet-connected computer
and word-processing software? You're in business!
3. No Fees or Geographic Limits on Distribution - Affiliate
programs are usually free to join, and market reach is
limited only by the affiliate's ability to promote his
or her web site.
4. Choose From Thousands of Products and Services - What
isn't sold online? With affiliate networks like Commission
Junction, Be Free and Linkshare, it's easy to find products
related to your current or planned web site.
5. No Merchant Account Required - Forget the problems
associated with collecting and storing names, addresses,
credit card numbers, etc. The merchant handles all payment
processing, so you never have to lose sleep over chargebacks,
fraud or losing your merchant account.
6. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a small
one-bedroom apartment, you can sell large items without
storage concerns.
7. No Shipping Costs - Don't worry about buying packing
supplies or postal rates. The cost and hassle to prepare
and ship products to customers worldwide belongs to the
8. No Customer Concerns - Do you hate the prospect of
dealing with nasty people? Don't worry about it! The merchant
handles the snivelers.
9. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allows
you as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keep
making money even when you take breaks or after you go
home for the night?
10. High Income Potential - With your own affiliate business
your income potential is limited only by your desire,
effort and imagination - not your boss.
Relatively low outlay of resources with huge potential
returns truly makes affiliate marketing on the Internet
an outstanding business opportunity.
About The Author
Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling
"Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in
One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To
learn how you too can suceed in Internet and affiliate
marketing, go to: http://NetProfitsToday.com. |